List of Popular Destinations

Shell Key
Shell Key Preserve is a 1,828-acre preserve located in the mouth of Tampa Bay, which includes a 195-acre barrier island known as Shell Key. This is a perfect secluded getaway spot without having to travel far. The Preserve is an important sanctuary for nesting, wintering, and migrating birds, as well as a popular fishing and boating area.

John’s Pass Sandbars
Created by a hurricane on September 27, 1848, a pirate, John Levique, made the first passage through the newly created pass. Hence the name, Johns Pass. Located on the waterfront at Johns Pass, this quaint turn-of-the-century fishing village is Pinellas County’s #1 tourist attraction. Over one hundred merchants inhabit the Village with unique retail shopping, a variety of restaurants, the local fishing fleet, dolphin watching, and shelling tours.

Bunce’s Pass Sandbar
Bunces Pass is a fantastic, family-friendly place to relax and is a beautiful setting for spending the day on your boat. Bunces Pass is located within Fort DeSoto County Park and is the pass that separates the Park from Shell Key.

Egmont Key
Although this park is primarily a wildlife refuge, it can be a personal refuge – a place to relax and collect shells along secluded, pristine beaches. Accessible only by boat, Egmont Key has a unique natural and cultural history, including a lighthouse that has stood since 1858.